jslovers / Welcome-to-JSLovers

welcome to JSLovers
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JSLovers is one of the oldest Javascript Community by the developers and for the developers. It was started from Delhi/NCR and has spread over to Bangalore, Mumbai and Pune too. It is a community dedicated to learn from each other , from tech advocates by doing meetups and code-labs.

Meetup Announcements

For all meetup announcements please check your city's respective Meetup page.

Job Announcements

For Jobs , code support, networking with fellow developers please join the Telegram group.

Meetups Pages

Contact Details:

:pushpin: How to Submit a Talk?

:heart: Sponsors

JSLovers is a non-profit community run by the developers for the developers. This community won't be possible without the support of the awesome sponsors from coworking spaces to companies to the tutorials and e-books sites. Thanks a lot to everyone.

:moneybag: Want to sponsor?

To sponsor JSLovers please drop an email at hello@jslovers.com with subject Want to sponsor

If you are looking to have JSLovers in your company, create an issue with prefix (jslovers-chapter-).

:clap: Volunteers


Jaswant Singh Sandhu and Neha sharma are the organizers of the JSLovers.