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talk- React under the Hood #34

Open anuragvishwa opened 4 years ago

anuragvishwa commented 4 years ago

Talk Name

React under the Hood


What is virtual DOM in depth and why do we need it, why can't we make things work using a real DOM. How do both of them get rendered. And difference between rendering and reconciliation.

Things covered in talk

  1. How web-page get rendered. 1.Difference between Reconciling and Rendering. 2.Previously used Reconciling algorithm , and it's drawbacks. 3.Currently used Reconciling algorithm(Fiber) , it's working.
  2. React Fiber : What is it, and what is 'Work' . a)Task Scheduling :Pause work and come back to it later,assign priority to different types of work,delete work if it is no longer needed. b)Reusing Work: By preparing effect list . c)Incremental rendering.
  3. Component structure in detail.How it get's painted on the screen.Element's tree.
  4. Best practices for optimizing code as per the new reconciliation algorithm.


⌛️ Talk Duration - 30 mins 👤 Name - Anurag Vishwa https://www.linkedin.com/in/anuragvishwa/

📍 Location - Bangalore