jsmrtn / craftagram

Grab Instagram content through the Instagram Basic Display API
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craftagram plugin for Craft CMS 4.x / 5.x

Grab Instagram content through the Instagram Basic Display API


This plugin requires Craft CMS 4.0.0 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

    cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

    composer require jsmrtn/craftagram
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for craftagram.

Setting up your Facebook App

:warning: Important note on step 6 – your valid OAuth Redirect URI has to be the URL for the base site, do not try to use individual multi-site URLs. The base site URL will be appended with a state parameter ensuring that the correct site is targeted on the response from Instagram

  1. Log in to https://developers.facebook.com, and in All Apps click Create App.
  2. When asked What do you want your app to do? click Other.
  3. Select the Consumer app type.
  4. Add a suitable app name and contact email (you can ignore adding a business portfolio).
  5. You will be redirected to your new app, from the dasboard locate the Instagram Basic Display product, and click Set Up to add it to your app.
  6. Once redirected, click Create New App, and name your app whatever you like.
  7. When presented with the app page, complete each section using the below:
  8. Scroll down to the Instagram Testers section. Click Add Instagram Testers.
  9. Click Add People, select Instagram Tester, then search for the instagram account you are connecting, then Add.
  10. Open a new web browser and go to www.instagram.com and sign into your Instagram account that you just invited. Click More > Settings > Website Permisisons > Apps and websites > Tester Invites and accept the invitation.

That's it! You won't need any extra setup now. What you will need to do is go to Products > Instagram > Basic Display and scroll down to Instagram App ID and Instagram App Secret, as you'll need to add these in the next step.

Configuring craftagram

Go to the settings page for craftagram and enter your App ID and App Secret from the step above into the required boxes, and hit 'Save'. When the page refreshes, you'll see there's a new button Authorise Craft. Click that button to go to instagram to complete the authorisation procedure.

Tip: The App ID and App Secret settings can be set to environment variables. See Environmental Configuration in the Craft docs to learn more about that.

Instagram may challenge you with a login screen, so handle that, then click 'Authorize'. You will be redirected back to Craft with the Long Access Token field populated.

:warning: Check you're logged in to the correct account before you try to authenticate (or don't be logged in at all). If you're logged in with a different user in the current browser session, you're going to have issues.

Keeping your token active

Instagram tokens expire in 60 days, so you'll need to set up a cron job to keep the token alive. The refresh action is actions/craftagram/default/refresh-token.

For example, this would run the token refresh every month, for all enabled sites with tokens

0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/wget -q https://www.yourwebsite.com/actions/craftagram/default/refresh-token >/dev/null 2>&1

If you just want to update a single site you can add the optional param siteId

 0 0 1 * * /usr/bin/wget -q https://www.yourwebsite.com/actions/craftagram/default/refresh-token?siteId=<your siteId> >/dev/null 2>&1

If you fail to set up the cron, you can still refresh the token manaully, by going to the settings page, clicking the Authorise Craft and following the steps outlined above.

:warning: You cannot refresh access tokens for private Instagram accounts, so ensure the account used in your tester invite above is public

Using craftagram

Using the plugin is pretty simple

{% set craftagram = craft.craftagram.getInstagramFeed() %}

{% if craftagram|length %}
    {% for item in craftagram.data %}
        <img src={{item.media_url}} />
    {% endfor %}
{% endif %}

There are two parameters available to the variable, limit and siteId. The default limit from instagram is 25.

{% set craftagram = craft.craftagram.getInstagramFeed(25, currentSite.id) %}
Field Name Description
limit The default limit from instagram is 25
siteId The current site's ID. If you only have one site on your install you can leave this blank, otherwise pass the siteId for the site you have added the authorisation to. You can hard-code the site ID if you have only set up authorisation on one of your multi-site installs, otherwise pass the current siteId dynamically

The options that you get are all of the options provided from the API endpoint. For brevity, they are:

Field Name Description
caption The Media's caption text. Not returnable for Media in albums.
id The Media's ID.
media_type The Media's type. Can be IMAGE, VIDEO, or CAROUSEL_ALBUM.
media_url The Media's URL.
permalink The Media's permanent URL.
thumbnail_url The Media's thumbnail image URL. Only available on VIDEO Media.
timestamp The Media's publish date in ISO 8601 format.
username The Media owner's username.


If you have limits on your feed, you can pass the after (or before if you're paginating backwards) parameter and init an AJAX function to return the data.

Remember to pass limit, and also to pass the correct siteId for the active site, if appropriate.

For example, you could do this to have a 'load more' button:

{% set craftagram = craft.craftagram.getInstagramFeed(10) %}

{% if craftagram|length %}
    <div data-js="insta-wrapper">
        {% for item in craftagram.data %}
            <img src={{item.media_url}} />
        {% endfor %}

    <a data-after="{{ craftagram.paging.cursors.after }}" data-js="load-more">Load more</a>
{% endif %}

{% js %}
    $("[data-js=load-more]").click(function(e) {
        $.get("{{ parseEnv(craft.app.sites.primarySite.baseUrl) }}/actions/craftagram/default/get-next-page?siteId={{ currentSite.id }}&limit=10&url=" + $(this).data('after'), function(res) {
            data = $.parseJSON(res);

            // For each, append the item to our wrapper
            $.each(data["data"], function() {
                $("[data-js='insta-wrapper']").append("<img src="https://github.com/jsmrtn/craftagram/raw/v3/+$(this)[0]["media_url"]+" />");

            // Update the paging with the next after.
            $("[data-js=load-more]").data("after", data["paging"]["cursors"]["after"]);
{% endjs %}

Headless mode

If you're using Craft headless (or generally just need a JSON formatted version of your results), you can access the instagram feed via /actions/craftagram/default/api (or /craftagramApi if you want to save some bytes), which will return the raw JSON data from instagram. You can pass the following parameters:

URL Parameter Description
limit The default limit from instagram is 25
siteId The current site's ID. If you only have one site on your install you can leave this blank, otherwise pass the siteId for the site you have added the authorisation to. You can hard-code the site ID if you have only set up authorisation on one of your multi-site installs, otherwise pass the current siteId dynamically
url Pass the after or before parameters from data->paging->cursors to get the next or the previous set of results


There is a setting to opt-in to a more secure API endpoint. If you switch it on, you must pass a Basic Auth header to access this endpoint, otherwise you will receive an error. The Username and Password should be for an activated Craft user. Please note that you must enable the secure endpoint for each site individually.

Rate Limits

Be conscious you might be subject to rate limits from instagram, so if you're on a high traffic website you might get rate limited. You can read more about rate limits at instagram's documentation.

Media Size

The image returned from the API is an immutable size–it used to be you could use modifiers like large to get an image at a certain size, but no more. You will need to use a plugin that supports transforming images from remote URL's to resize the images returned from Instagram.