jsorrell / CarpetSkyAdditions

Empty world generation with new ways to obtain resources
MIT License
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Piglin brute don't drop ancient debris #119

Closed estouneide closed 10 months ago

estouneide commented 1 year ago

I'm playing the mod, i tested a little farm, but any piglin brute drop ancient debris. Even with a looting III sword, i tested for hours, but i just got golden axes. I tried to found the datapack, but nothing appears on that list. I don't know if was removed from the mod, but its impossible to activate on game.

jsorrell commented 11 months ago

With the datapack enabled, they drop ancient debris. You must have the datapack disabled. It is embedded in the mod so it should show up in the datapacks list.

estouneide commented 10 months ago

Ok, I get it, but how i disabled something that i cant disable because i dont have the tools? I didnt open the file on a software, i just went on creative mode to test it, and its not working. I dont know if I had to downloaded something else, but i sure that i'm not disabled any datapack. After kill more than 2k piglins brutes on my testing farm and nothing. Could you tell me the command in game to enable this? When I'm writing commands on chat, the datapack its not listed there...

jsorrell commented 10 months ago

The datapack carpetskyadditions:skyblock should show up with the /datapack list command.

/datapack enable "carpetskyadditions:skyblock" should enable it.

If it's not there, you're using a very old version of this mod or something weird is wrong.

estouneide commented 10 months ago

Thanks very much for your response, but is not an older version. I checked a few times after you reply. All datapacks are enabled and working, except the ancient debris. Anyway, I've already lost my mind trying to resolve that, I dont wanna play anymore because of that. Thanks again for your time and patience