jsorrell / CarpetSkyAdditions

Empty world generation with new ways to obtain resources
MIT License
428 stars 88 forks source link

Server version update #45

Closed Coffee-kitten closed 1 year ago

Coffee-kitten commented 1 year ago

Hello, can you tell me how to update the server version 1.17 to the latest version 1.19 And precautions

jsorrell commented 1 year ago
  1. Backup your world folder.
  2. Update to the latest fabric server jar from https://fabricmc.net/use/server/.
  3. Download the latest version of this mod, carpet, and fabric api and replace the older versions in your mods folder.
  4. Delete the skyblock-... datapack in the datapacks folder
  5. Rename skyblock.conf to carpetskyadditions.conf and replace the text in it with the settings list below.
  6. Start the world.
  7. Enable the new datapack with /datapack enable "carpetskyadditions/skyblock".

Default settings for 4.1.0 are:

tallFlowersFromWanderingTrader true
lightningElectrifiesVines true
renewableBuddingAmethysts true
gatewaysSpawnChorus true
renewableHeartsOfTheSea true
renewableDragonHeads true
shulkerSpawnsOnDragonKill true
renewableDiamonds true
rammingWart true
foxesSpawnWithSweetBerriesChance 0.2
poisonousPotatoesConvertSpiders true
saplingsDieOnSand true
renewableEchoShards true
renewableAllays true
coralErosion true
hugeMushroomsSpreadMycelium true
renewableNetherrack true
renewableDeepslate true
renewableSwiftSneak true

The advancements from this mod will be reset, but most of them are different between 1.17 and 1.19 anyway.

Coffee-kitten commented 1 year ago

thanks reply