jspricke / python-remind

Python library to convert between Remind and iCalendar
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Python Remind library

Python library to convert between Remind <https://dianne.skoll.ca/projects/remind/>_ and iCalendar. Can be used stand alone (provided rem2ics and ics2rem tools) as well as integrated as a CalDAV client or server.


You need to have the Remind command line tool in version 04.00.00 or higher installed. For Debian/Ubuntu use::

$ sudo apt-get install remind

Using pip


  $ pip install remind

This will install all Python dependencies as well.

Using python-setuptools


$ python3 setup.py install

Set up a Remind CalDAV server

Have a look at radicale-remind <https://github.com/jspricke/radicale-remind>_

Sync to an external iCalendar server (http; cron)


curl URL | ics2rem >> ~/.reminders

Sync to an external CalDAV server

Have a look at remind-caldav <https://github.com/jspricke/remind-caldav>_

Share your calendar using http


rem2ics > /var/www/html/my.ics

Publish the URL and use these guides to integrate it into other calendar software:

Format of the Remind MSG body


%"summary at location%" description

The %" is omitted, if there is no description in the iCalendar.

Support events in UTC

Remind always uses the local timezone. Use something like this to export events in UTC:


REM Tue AT [9:00 + $MinsFromUTC] TAG rem2ics_utc MSG Event

Known limitations

iCalendar -> Remind

* RECURRENCE-ID is not supported at the moment. This is a limitation of the used python-vobject library, see http://lists.skyhouseconsulting.com/pipermail/vobject/2009-September/000204.html.
* Creating new calendars by adding includes to a main Remind file is not supported.

Remind -> iCalendar