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This is what we did, and it worked.
Install git and use it to checkout the hikeplanner code
for us, PostGIS 2.0 did not install properly using just apt-get. To properly install PostGIS 2.0 we needed to add this repository:
in the hikeplanner/ repository root:
in the hikeplanner/ repository root:
When PostgreSQL is installed, it creates a user called 'postgres', which is used to access all postgres databases. To create the spatial database, switch to postgres user, create a PostgreSQl database, open it in the psql terminal and add the postgis extension
Then create a database account named postgres. (It must be named postgres so it matches the system user account.) The in the Django project will need to match the database name, user, and pwd.
in the hikeplanner/ repository root:
After about five hours of trying to get the various libraries installed and working together on Windows, we finally figured out a reliable solution:
Install virtualbox on your windows machine and boot it into Ubuntu: VirtualBox + Ubuntu.
Follow Ubuntu instructions above.