jsumners / abstract-cache-redis

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This module provides a cache client that is compliant with the abstract-cache protocol. This client implements the await style of the protocol.

In addition to the API mandated by the protocol, the client exposes keys, scan, scanStream, disconnect and quit methods. These map to the ioredis methods of the same names. The disconnect and quit methods are only useful if you create the client with connection configuration instead of an already connected Redis client.


// Create a client that uses ioredis to connect to `localhost:6379`.
const client = require('abstract-cache-redis')({ioredis: {}})

client.set('foo', 'foo', 1000)
  .then(() => client.has('foo'))
  .then(console.log) // true
  .then(() => client.quit())

client.set('foo', 'foo', 1000)
  .then(() => client.keys('fo*'))
  .then(console.log) // [ 'foo' ]
  .then(() => client.quit())


The client factory accepts the an object with the following properties:


  1. client takes precedence to ioredis.
  2. At least one of the client or ioredis properties must be supplied.
  3. The user is responsible for closing the connection.


In order to run the tests for this project a local instance of Reis must be running on port 6379. A docker-compose.yml is included to facilitate this:

$ docker-compose -d up
$ tap test/*.test.js

npm test automates the above.


MIT License