jswank / dnsme

Command line client for DNS Made Easy
MIT License
20 stars 5 forks source link


This is a command line tool that can be used to manage DNS information hosted at DNS Made Easy (http://www.dnsmadeeasy.com) using their REST API.


Statically-linked binaries are available for download at https://github.com/jswank/dnsme/releases

The tool is written in Go (http://golang.org). To compile, the Go tool chain must be installed- see http://golang.org/doc/install for installation instructions, and http://golang.org/doc/articles/go_command.html for info on the go command.

Once the go tool chain is installed and environment configured, compilation steps are:

$ go get github.com/jswank/dnsme
$ go install github.com/jswank/dnsme

This will install the dnsme command as $GOPATH/bin/dnsme


$ export DNSME_API_URL=http://api.dnsmadeeasy.com/V1.2
$ export DNSME_API_KEY=8j7dn64b-83jc-48jd-0913-98wrhjd601df
$ export DNSME_SECRET_KEY=93jsmq86-11hs-00ls-tnd8-8djdnb98a74c
$ dnsme --help

usage: dnsme command [arguments]

'dnsme' is a command-line interface to the DNS Made Easy REST API.
In order to use it, an API key pair must be configured for your account:
this can be trivially created by visiting your account information page
at https://cp.dnsmadeeasy.com/account/info.

The following environment variables should be set:

    DNSME_API_URL = http://api.dnsmadeeasy.com/V1.2
    DNSME_SECRET_KEY = Secret key

Available commands are:

    domains          lists all domains
    domain           returns information about a domain
    add-domain       adds a domains
    delete-domain    deletes a domain
    secondaries      lists all secondary domains
    secondary        returns information about a secondary domain
    add-secondary    adds a secondary domains
    delete-secondary deletes a secondary domain
    records          return records in a domain
    record           returns a specific record id from a domain
    add-record       add a new record
    update-record    update an existing record
    delete-record    delete a record from the domain
    import           import domain info & records from JSON
    export           export domain info & records into JSON 

Use "dnsme help [command]" for more information about a command.

Global flags:

The -d flag can be used to print raw HTTP requests and responses to

The flag "-o" specifies the output type.  Available output types are
"csv", "json", or the default text-based "std".


List primary domains

$ ./dnsme domains

List secondary domains

$ ./dnsme secondaries

Show all records in a zone

$ ./dnsme records example.com

@     1800   A                  ; id=7693172, gtd=DEFAULT
dev   1800   A                   ; id=7700700, gtd=DEFAULT
dev2  1800   A                     ; id=7700747, gtd=DEFAULT
www   1800   CNAME example.com.                    ; id=7693173, gtd=DEFAULT
m     1800   CNAME example.com.                    ; id=7786353, gtd=DEFAULT
admin 1800   CNAME example.com.                    ; id=7786354, gtd=DEFAULT
@     1800   MX    10 mailstore1.secureserver.net. ; id=7693175, gtd=DEFAULT
@     1800   MX    0 smtp.secureserver.net.        ; id=7693176, gtd=DEFAULT

Update a record

$ ./dnsme record -id 7693175 -o json example.com
{"name":"","id":7693175,"type":"MX","data":"10 mailstore1.secureserver.net.",
