jsyrkinn / macjack-client

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Welcome! MacJack is a Macalester College-themed blackjack game. This app provides a way for people to play a game of blackjack together without having an actual deck of cards. There is a virtual dealer for users to play against and has room for up to 3 players.

Requirements and Installation

This app requires cordova phonegap, node, and the phonegap app in order to run.

  1. Phonegap desktop and mobile apps
  2. Node


In order to run the app, follow these instructions:

  1. The client repositories can be found at https://github.com/jsyrkinn/macjack-client. Check out and pull this code. Be sure you have downloaded the phonegap mobile app and install phonegap onto your desktop (links and directions above).

  2. Open a terminal window and navigate to the macjack-client folder. Run the client by typing ‘phonegap serve’

  3. Open your phonegap mobile app and enter your IP address. (You can get your IP address by searching "What's my IP" in google). Press connect. Note: A 3-finger tap takes you back to the home screen of the phonegap app (This allows you to reconnect with a new IP address- or connect again with the same one!)

  4. The app will now be running. Enjoy!