Covert ANTLR4 book source code to Python 3 version.
pip install antlr4-python3-runtime
You may need to compile the latest ANTLR4 and put it into bin, modify the bat file
You may also need to use the latest runtime, just copy the source to [PythonDir]\Lib\site-packages\antlr4
sudo apt install environment-modules
sudo -H pip3 install antlr4-python3-runtime
git clone
cd py3antlr4book
# goto
# download the latest ver
ln -s antlr-4.7.2-complete.jar antlr.jar
module load ./antlr4module
% antlr4py3 Hello.g4
% pygrun Hello r --tokens input.txt
% pygrun Hello r --tree input.txt
(r hello world)
% python input.txt
(r hello world)
You can install the best python IDE in the world (no 'one of') from They provide two community version free of charge and just enough for the experiment here.
The only problem is the tool take a large amount of memory just like all JAVA based IDE, you may not want to open IDEA and PyCharm at the same time. I only install IDEA and install the python community plug-in and also ANTLR4 plug-in to debug the .g4 file.