jtammelleo / job-website

Project for DPI-691M at HKS J-term 2023
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Oil and Gas Worker Job Transition Website

Project for DPI-691M at HKS J-term 2023

Check out our website here!: https://jtammelleo.github.io/job-website


Original source data and final data are in the data folder. See README.md in data folder for details of how data for this website was compiled.


Sprint Burndowns

Sprint 1: We were still trying to get our heads around user stories, pointing, etc this week. We embraced the agile principle of "Individuals and interactions over processes and tools" and decided to use our limited time to have discussions together about who our users were and what the purpose of the sprint planning was versus going through the whole sprint planning procedure. As such, we didn't have the most complete user stories and didn't end up pointing much, but we set ourselves up well and had a much better understanding of the process for Sprint 2!

Sprint 2:

Date Type Points Remaining Total
Jan 11 In-person 0 73 73
Jan 12 In-person 13 60 73
Jan 13 In-person 3 57 73
Jan 14 Virtual 6 51 73
Jan 15 Virtual 8 43 73
Jan 16 Virtual 42 1 73


Retro forms for sprint 1 and 2 have been submitted!

Please Note -- Home Pages Tabs

We have two home pages currently to present two different data presentations for user feedback, comparison, contrast. In subequent sprints, we would use this feedback to determine how to display the data and what types of features are most desired.