jtarchie / builder

custom blogging platform
MIT License
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Builder: Static Site Generation Tool

Builder is a streamlined static site generation tool designed with a focus on convention over configuration. Say goodbye to maintaining endless YAML files and embrace a more straightforward approach to building your website.


Getting Started


  1. Download Builder:

    Using Homebrew:

    brew tap jtarchie/builder https://github.com/jtarchie/builder
    brew install builder
  2. Install Mermaid CLI (for server-side mermaid rendering):

    npm install -g @mermaid-js/mermaid-cli

Setting Up Your Project

  1. Directory Structure:

    • layout.html: This is the main template used to render the content of your site.
    • public/: Place all your assets here (images, JavaScript, CSS, etc.). These will be copied to the output directory during the build process.
    • **/*.md: Write your content in markdown files. Organize them in any directory structure you prefer. They will be rendered and placed in the corresponding location in the output directory.
  2. Building Your Site:

    builder --source-path <source-directory> --build-path <output-directory>

Example Directory Breakdown

To get a clearer idea, check out the example/ directory:

To run the example:

go run cmd/main.go --source-path ./example --build-path build/ --serve

Sites Using Builder