jtbgroup / kodi-media-sensors

Custom component to feed multiple sensors in Home Assistan and so custom cards can be to display those sensors. This repository is a fork of https://github.com/boralyl/kodi-recently-added
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Kodi Media Sensors for Home Assistant


This Home Assistant component is used to feed custom cards like Upcoming Media Card, Kodi Playlist Card or Kodi Search Card with data coming from Kodi. It is based on the project of Aaron Godfrey (https://github.com/boralyl/kodi-recently-added). Check the credits section.

Upcoming Media Card Kodi playlist Card Kodi search Card
Upcoming Media Card Kodi Playlist Card Kodi Search Card

Table of Contents



NOTE: This component has been tested with the (almost) last versions of Home Assistant. No backward compatibility is tested.Additionally Kodi must be setup via the UI in the integrations section of the Home Assistant configuration.

HACS Install

  1. Search for Kodi Media Sensors under Integrations in the HACS Store tab.
  2. You will need to restart after installation for the component to start working.
  3. Go to Integration Installation your sensor using the options.

Manual Install

This method is not recommended

  1. In your /config directory, create a custom_components folder if one does not exist.
  2. Copy the kodi_media_sensors folder and all of it's contents from to your custom_components directory.
  3. Restart Home Assistant.
  4. Go to Integration Installation your sensor using the options.

Integration Installation

  1. After Automatic install or manual install, go to the Integration panel (under Configuration section) and search for the ne component by clicking on the button 'Add Integration'. Enter the name of the component (Kodi Media Sensors).
  2. During the installation, choose the Kodi entity previously installed.
  3. Select the sensors you want to use (see Available Sensors)
  4. Click Submit
  5. You should now see new entities in Home Assistant (one for each sensor activated)

It's not possible to add new sensors after installation, so if you need new ones (or if you don't need one anymore), just uninstall the integration and add it again. You will then be able to select the sensors you need.


Sensor name Description
sensor.kodi_media_sensor_recently_added_tvshow The sensor is contains information about the recently added tvshows in Kodi. The sensor updated by polling kodi on a regular base.
sensor.kodi_media_sensor_recently_added_movie The sensor is contains information about the recently added movies in Kodi. The sensor updated by polling kodi on a regular base.
sensor.kodi_media_sensor_playlist The sensor is contains information about the running playlist (audio and video) in Kodi. The sensor is updated using the events generated by the Kodi integration.
sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search The sensor allows you to search for media content in the kodi libraries. The sensor has multiple configuration options so you can choose the media type you want to include in your search result.
After calling this method, metadata are also filled in depending on what has been called. So a normal Search or a Rcently Added search will add the method and arguments to the metadata. A Clear willremove the method and arguments from the metadata. Play and Reset Addons will have no effect and will keep the previous result.

Some sensors come with services you can use. The definition of the services depends on each sensor. The service can be called via _callmethod


Configuring the Integrations

A Configure button will appear on the integration. Clicking this will allow you to toggle additional options. To access the option, the right sensor must be present.

Option Sensor Value Description
hide_watched recently added movie,
recently added tvshow
(default = false)
Excludes recently added video media that is marked as watched (movie sensors) when option is schecked
search_songs_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 15)
Limits the number of SONGS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_albums_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of ALBUMS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_artists_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of ARTISTS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_movies_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 5)
Limits the number of MOVIES in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_musicvideos_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 5)
Limits the number of MUSIC VIDEOS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_tvshows_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 5)
Limits the number of TVSHOWS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_episodes_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 5)
Limits the number of EPISODES in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_channels_tv_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of TV CHANNELS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_channels_radio_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 5)
Limits the number of RADIO CHANNELS in the search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_music_playlists_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of music playlists retrieved by the search engine. The search method is applied on the label and the filename returned by kodi in the json answer. Only the supported format are treated. The search method only searches in the special://musicplaylists folder.
Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_added_songs_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 20)
Limits the number of SONGS in the RECENTLY ADDED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_added_albums_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 20)
Limits the number of ALBUMS in the RECENTLY ADDED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_added_movies_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 20)
Limits the number of MOVIES in the RECENTLY ADDED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_added_musicvideos_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 20)
Limits the number of MUSIC VIDEOS in the RECENTLY ADDED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_added_episodes_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 20)
Include EPISODES search result in RECENTLY ADDED items
search_recently_played_songs_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of SONGS in the RECENTLY PLAYED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_recently_played_albums_limit search int
[0 - 100]
(default = 10)
Limits the number of ALBUMS in the RECENTLY PLAYED search result.
0 means the search won't be performed for this ite type. Values < 0 are considered = 0; values > 100 are considered = 100.
search_keep_alive_timer search 300 Lifetime (in sec) of the result.
When using value 0, the query will automatically be reprocessed with the same parameters. This is only true for search methods (normal search and recently added), not the other methods (like clear or reset addons).
Remark: the timer also depends on the polling of the sensor which is set to 300 sec. The evaluation of purging data is only evaluated during the polling. This means the real lifetime of the data is between the specified value and this value added by the polling eriod.
Ex: if value = 20 sec, the purge occurs after a period between 20sec and 320sec


Sensor Playlist

  1. goto(playerid, position)

    This function plays the object at the given position for the given player


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_playlist
    method: goto
     playerid: 0
     position: 5
  2. remove(playlistid, position)

    This function removes an object from the given playlist


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_playlist
    method: remove
     playlistid: 0
     position: 5
  3. _moveto(playlistid, position_from, positionto)

    This function moves an item from position fromto position to in the given playlist. Basically, the function does a remove followed by an insert. It means the indexes passed as position must take into account that in some cases, -1 must be calculated for the position_to0. If you use a framework such as SortableJS, this calculation is already taken into account.


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_playlist
    method: moveto
     playlistid: 0
     position_from: 5
     position_to: 2

Sensor Search

  1. _search(mediatype, value)

    Searches in the specified media type for the referenced value. The media type 'all' will return result for songs, albums, artists, movies and tv shows.

    • media_type: { all | artist | tvshow | recently_added | recently_played | current_artist}
    • value: { str (title) | int (artistid) | int (tvshowid) }


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: search
     media_type: all
     value: beatles
    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: search
     media_type: recently_played
  2. clear()

    This function clears the data of the sensor


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: clear
  3. play(arg)

    This function plays the desired object with the good player. The argument depends on what object has to be played. The argument can be one of songid, albumid, movieid, episodeid, channelid or filemusicplaylist(custom type).


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: play
    songid: 1
    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: play
    movieid: 15
  4. add(arg) This method adds an item to the right playlist depending on the item passed. The argument can be one of songid, albumid, movieid, episodeid, channelid or filemusicplaylist(custom type). The positionargument indicates where the item must be added in the playlist. The playlist index is 0-based, so 0 is the first position. To add an item at the end of the playlist, just use a index > the length of the playlist (ex: use 1000 when you have a playlist of 50 items, even in party mode).


    entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
    method: add
    songid: 1
    position: 10
  5. _resetaddons()

    This method resets the presence (and active status) of the addons. This is to call for example if you activate a PVR client addon and you want to include the search results of the channels in your resultset. ... another option would be to reboot HA!


    service: kodi_media_sensors.call_method
     entity_id: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_search
     method: reset_addons

Cards to use with sensors

The goal is to group all the sensors and have separate Cards to display the sensors data. The cards that where tested are:

Samples for ui-lovelace.yaml

Depending on the sensors you added and the custom card you installed, you can use the code below to display information from Kodi.

Here two examples with Upcoming Media Card and Kodi Playlist Card

- type: custom:upcoming-media-card
  entity: sensor.kodi_recently_added_tv
  title: Recently Added Episodes
  image_style: fanart
- type: custom:kodi-playlist-card
  entity: sensor.kodi_media_sensor_playlist

Upgrading from configuration.yaml to UI Integration

  1. Remove any sensors in your configuration.yaml that reference the kodi_media_sensors platform.
  2. Restart Home Assistant.
  3. Follow the steps from the beginning in the section Installation

Known Issues

Below is a list of known issues that either can't be fixed by changes to the component itself due to external factors.

Artwork does not load

One reason this could occur is if you setup you Home Assistance instance to use SSL and your Kodi instance does not use SSL. When the upcoming-media-card tries to load the artwork it will fail to do so since modern browsers do not allow loading insecure requests. See #6 for more details and possible workarounds.

Genres, ratings and studios don't show up for TV Shows

Currently genres, rating, and studio are only populated for Movies. This is a limitation of the data Kodi stores for TV shows.


Aaron Godfrey is the original developer of this project and did an excellent job. As I needed something similar to display my running playlist in Kodi, I started to enhance the component. Thanks a lot Aaron for letting me enhance your project! Let's hope other people might find it useful. Do not hesitate to support Aaron and his many projects.

Also thanks to all the people for testing, reporting dysfunctions and propose improvements.