jtoy / replicantlife

replicantlife is a framework for generative agents that can be used in a simulation engine or standalone. Agents are powered with metacognition modules that allow that to learn and adjust their strategy over time.
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replicantlife is a simulation engine for generative agents that can be used in a simulation engine or standalone. Agents are powered with metacognition modules that allow that to learn and adjust their strategy over time.

Read the paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2401.10910

Learn more about the project: https://replicantlife.com

Join discord here: https://discord.com/invite/DNBwbKT3Ns


Our goal is to build the most powerful generative AI agent and simulation framework. It is quick and easy to get started with lots of documentation. We are looking for help on this project. If you know python or know how to use chatgpt, you can contribute :)


Metacognition is all you need? Using Introspection in Generative Agents to Improve Goal-directed Behavior

Recent advances in Large Language Models (LLMs) have shown impressive capabilities in various applications, yet LLMs face challenges such as limited context windows and difficulties in generalization. In this paper, we introduce a metacognition module for generative agents, enabling them to observe their own thought processes and actions. This metacognitive approach, designed to emulate System 1 and System 2 cognitive processes, allows agents to significantly enhance their performance by modifying their strategy. We tested the metacognition module on a variety of scenarios, including a situation where generative agents must survive a zombie apocalypse, and observe that our system outperform others, while agents adapt and improve their strategies to complete tasks over time.

Flow diagram of metacognition

Run Simulation

python engine.py

Run standalone chat

python chat.py

LLM model support

This platform has been built from the ground up to support local models. We support almost any model through several interfaces. Most of our models are called through ollama You just set the env MODEL to any ollama and it will work out of the box. The ollama url is set to localhost:11434, but you can override it with LLAMA_URL You can also use chatgpt models directly by changing MODEL to be the full chatgpt model such as gpt-4-turbo If you use chatgpt models, make sure you set OPENAI_KEY We also support VLLM models, just pass the full model name and it should work automatically. You can also disable all LLM calls by setting MODEL=off

If there are missing interfaces, send us a request or submit a PR.

Simulation flags

- DEBUG # For print debugs (default = 1)
- LLAMA_URL # For accessing ollama endpoint (default="http://localhost:11434/api/generate")
- REDIS_URL # For accessing redis endpoint (default="redis://localhost:6379")
- MODEL # For setting ollama model (default="mistral" | "off" to disable llm)
- MATRIX_SIZE # Size of map (default="15")
- SIMULATION_STEPS # Simulation steps to run (default="5")
- PERCEPTION_RANGE # Block ranges of agent vision (default="2")
- NUM_AGENTS # Num of agents in simulation (default="0")
- NUM_ZOMBIES # Num of zombies in simulation (default="0")
- MAX_WORKERS # Num of thread workers for running the simulation (default="1")


MODEL=off python engine.py

This will run the simulation without LLM

You can also choose to add these params to .env file.

web ui

If you want to visualize simulations, you must have redis running as the engine will send the logs to redis and the web ui reads from redis. You can set REDIS_URL or just use the default redis url. start a simulation and get its simulation id. cd into web and run npm i then npm run dev then go to http://localhost:3000/?sim_id=SIMULATION_ID to see it running

To build the web ui for production, you can run npm run build

Changing Environment

We can create our own environment and agents by adding a .json file in configs/. Just follow the format of def_environment.json, run the engine with --scenario and --env flag indicating the scenario and environment simulation you want.

Test Simulations

Zombie scenario


python engine.py --scenario configs/spyfall_situation.json --env configs/largev2.tmj

Christmas Party

python engine.py --scenario configs/christmas_party_situation.json --env configs/largev2.tmj

Secret Santa Game

python engine.py --scenario configs/secret_santa_situation.json --env configs/largev2.tmj


Someone is killing people

python engine.py --scenario configs/murder_situation.json --env configs/largev2.tmj


There are zombies killing people NUM_ZOMBIES=5 python engine.py --scenario configs/zombie_situation.json --env configs/largev2.tmj

Injecting thoughts

You can inject thoughts into your agents while the simulation is running. Call utils/inject.py with the sim id, msg, and agent name (use --help to see the exact syntax). The simulation will check for messages over redis so you must have redis running. An importance score of 10 is automatically assigned.

Adding New Tilemap Assets

  1. Create Tilemap in tilemap editor. Make sure to add proper collisions. Take note of the width/height you used.

  2. From the tilemap json file, get the layer of the collisions. Modify utils/convert_to_2d.py. Instructions are inside the file.

  3. Create the environment.json file inside configs/ directory. You can copy def_environment.json as a starting point for now.

    • Run python utils/convert_to_2d.py and paste the result in the environment.json under "collision".

    • Manually add the x, y coordinates from tilemap to the json file. If you are referencing from inside the tilemap editor, we flip the x,y coordinates for our usecase.

    • Add the "width" and "height" to the json file.

  4. Inside static directory, create a unique folder to reference the new assets that you made. It should contain:

    • matrix.png which is the map png file.

    • characters/ directory which will contain the png files for the characters. THEY SHOULD BE THE SAME NAME with what you declared inside the json file, + .png

  5. Run server and simulation.

  6. Go to<name of folder you made earlier> to see the new map.

Unit Tests

python test.py

Simulation Report

python run_all_sims.py

MODEL=off python run_all_sims.py


  1. --id For passing custom simulation id (mostly for redis integration)

  2. --scenario For passing a scenario json. (defaults to configs/def.json).

    • For crafting agents init data, we can literally pass no params and it will randomize Agent data.

    • Refer to agents.py to see all available params. Some examples are "name", "description", "goals", etc.

    • In scenario file, this is where we define the simulation params that are customizable. Refer to configs/secret_santa_situation.json for more customized sample.

  3. --environment For passing in the environment file. (defaults to configs/largev2.tmj)

    • This requires a correctly formatted map file from tiledmap editor. I'll teach Adrian how to make one, it's just custom layer naming and grouping then our program will automatically parse it.
  4. MODEL=model_name For choosing custom ollama or gpt models (or turning it off by passing off)

  5. ALLOW_PLAN=<1 or 0> to turn planning on or off (for speed)

  6. ALLOW_REFLECT=<1 or 0> to turn reflection on or off (for speed)

  7. LLM_ACTION=<1 or 0> to turn on llm-powered decision making.

  8. SHORT_MEMORY_CAPACITY=<1 or 0> to indicate how many memories needs to be stored on short term memory before reflecting and summarizing them.

Running Cognitive Test Graph

Creating Maps

  1. Layer Hierarchy:

    • Collisions represents tiles that cannot be traversed

    • Location_name/ group folder that contains rooms for that current location

      • Bounds represents tiles occupied by current location

      • Room_name/ group folder that contains objects for current room

        • Bounds represents tiles occupied by current room

        • Object_name represents an object inside the current room

  2. Save as JSON map format. Move to configs/<your_map_name>.tmj

  3. Pass in to engine.py with --environment flag.


When working on the main engine, often times we can shut off all llm calls, in that case, you can turn off all llm calls with a command such as: LLM_IMPORTANCE=0 LLM_ACTION=0 python engine.py --scenario configs/empty.json --env configs/largev2.tmj


changes over time

pscopy2 notes

fix chatgpt support

dont require pscopy2 if not there

pause and ask a question