jtrussell / svn-npm-crutch

Allow node modules to be installed from svn repos
MIT License
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Allow node modules to be installed from svn repos.

As the name implies this project is essentially a crutch allowing you to install modules with npm when they are living in a svn repo. It does not aim to carry all of npm's features forward for svn housed modules, just provide a mechanism to get them into your project with an npm install. IF you have other features you would like to see... pull requests are appreciated :).


Installing this module will make changes to your project's package.json file.

Installing this module via npm install will add an install hook to your project's package.json. Once this hook is added any time your run npm install for your project svn-npm-crutch looks through your package.json file for an svnDependencies block where you can list your subversion stored node modules.

Getting Started

Install with npm install --save svn-npm-crutch

"dependencies": {
  "svn-npm-crutch": "^0.5.4"

After installing svn-npm-crutch you may use list dependencies from subversion repositories in your package.json under a "svnDependencies" key. e.g.

"svnDependencies": {
  "svn-module": "svn://path/to/svn/repo/trunk"


When uninstalling this module make sure the install hook has been removed. This should happend automatically when you npm uninstall svn-npm-crutch and only be necessary if you manually uninstall the module by deleting the files and removing entries from your package.json.


Run a test with grunt test then take a look at ./test/tmp


Why grunt test instead of npm test? Running npm test initializes some environment variables. We could go through and clean that up during the testing process... but it's easier to just test with grunt directly.



In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using grunt.

Release History


Copyright (c) 2012 iVantage Health Analytics Licensed under the MIT license.