uxdgmenu is an automated XDG Menu system for alternative Linux window managers. It supports currently Fluxbox, Openbox, Awesome, Blackbox, WindowMaker, FVWM2, IceWM, Ion3, PekWM, TWM, support can be added to any other through plugins.
uxdgmenu monitors for newly installed/removed applications, and maintains a submenu, listing and categorizing them like the Gnome/Xfce/Lxde menu. It can also monitor your gtk bookmarks and recent files, and comes with a standalone GTK app-launcher and a GUI for configuration.
Debian packages are provided. You can also build from source, but please note that as of now (post version 0.7), the master branch will be in an unstable state until the 1.0 release. If you want a stable release, please build from the 0.7 source tarball.
Install dependencies:
sudo aptitude install libglib2.0-dev libglib2.0-0 libinotifytools0 libinotifytools0-dev python-xdg
You should also (but are not forced to) install the following packages:
Clone the git repository if you haven't already
git clone git://github.com/ju1ius/uxdgmenu.git
cd uxdgmenu
Build and install
make && sudo make install prefix=/usr
uxdgmenu has been inspired by: