juanignaciosl / wedding-tables-planner

Wedding Tables Planner (loved, known and hated guests) powered by OptaPlanner
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Wedding Tables Planner

I'm getting married, and arranging people at tables may get np-difficult!

OptaPlanner is an amazing piece of Open Source JBoss software that I wanted to try, and a wedding is obviously an optimization, np-complete problem ;-) In fact this' been a straightforward application.

What it does

You can set knows, love and hates relationships between your guests, and enter your table sizes. Running WeddingTablesPlanner.plan() with a custom DiningConfiguration will return an optimized one, keeping loving people together, hated people separated, and as many known people together as possible. It also minimizes the amount of tables used.


The hard way

Fork the project and implement your own DiningConfigurationGenerator with your guests and tables.

The easy way

Grab Wedding Tables Planner web project, run it and enjoy its AngularJS web interface.