juba / color-theme-tangotango

An emacs color theme based on the tango palette colors
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This is an emacs color theme based on the tango palette colors.

Here is a screenshot of the color theme with an emacs-lisp file :


One with a Gnus summary and article buffers :


And one with an org-mode buffer :


** Package.el

=tangotango-theme= is available in [[http://melpa.milkbox.net][MELPA]]. You can add this repository by following its [[http://melpa.milkbox.net/#installing][installation instructions]].

To install =tangotango-theme=, just do :

: M-x package-install tangotango-theme

You can then try it with =M-x load-theme=. If you want to load it automatically on startup, add the following to your init file :

: (load-theme 'tangotango t)

** Manual (Emacs 24)

Emacs 24 features native color theming, and as such you don't need any third party package or extension.

  1. Download =tangotango-theme.el= from [[https://github.com/juba/color-theme-tangotango/raw/master/tangotango-theme.el][github]] and save it to your =~/.emacs.d= directory
  2. Try it with =M-x load-theme=
  3. If you like it, just add the following line to your =.emacs= :

: (load-theme 'tangotango t)

If you prefer to place your theme files in another directory, you can just add something like the following in your =.emacs= before loading the theme :

: (add-to-list 'custom-theme-load-path "~/.emacs.d/color-theme-tangotango")

** Emacs 23

With Emacs 23 you need to use the =color-theme= package :

  1. Download and install the =color-theme= emacs package either via your linux distribution or [[http://www.nongnu.org/color-theme/#sec5][via the source tarball]]
  2. Download and install =color-theme-tangotango.el= from [[http://github.com/juba/color-theme-tangotango/raw/master/color-theme-tangotango.el][github]]
  3. Make sure that both =color-theme.el= and =color-theme-tangotango.el= are in your load path

There are several ways to load the tangotango color theme from your =.emacs=, as documented on [[http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ColorTheme][emacswiki]]. The way I currently use should work for a daemonized emacs and allows the selection of different themes for GUI or console based frames :

: (require 'color-theme) : (setq color-theme-load-all-themes nil) : : (require 'color-theme-tangotango) : : ;; select theme - first list element is for windowing system, second is for console/terminal : ;; Source : http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/ColorTheme#toc9 : (setq color-theme-choices : '(color-theme-tangotango color-theme-tangotango)) : : ;; default-start : (funcall (lambda (cols) : (let ((color-theme-is-global nil)) : (eval : (append '(if (window-system)) : (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil)) : cols))))) : color-theme-choices) : : ;; test for each additional frame or console : (require 'cl) : (fset 'test-win-sys : (funcall (lambda (cols) : (lexical-let ((cols cols)) : (lambda (frame) : (let ((color-theme-is-global nil)) : ;; must be current for local ctheme : (select-frame frame) : ;; test winsystem : (eval : (append '(if (window-system frame)) : (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x nil)) : cols))))))) : color-theme-choices )) : ;; hook on after-make-frame-functions : (add-hook 'after-make-frame-functions 'test-win-sys) : : (color-theme-tangotango)

Note that I also had to add a (color-theme-tangotango) line at the end of my =.gnus= file in order to apply the color theme to Gnus.