juchong / ADIS16460-Arduino-Teensy

Example C++ library and arduino project for the ADIS16460 and Teensy development platform.
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Fast blinking in STM32F103C8T6 #2

Open rafal7466 opened 1 year ago

rafal7466 commented 1 year ago

Hi when I upload the code into the STM32F103C8T6, The STM LED becomes fast blinking. I use this library for ADIS16467-2, 8 months ago, this program worked correctly, but today the same code with this library not working. uploading completely done without any error but with fast blinking and not show any data in Serial port.

rafal7466 commented 1 year ago

because of definite SPI.begin(); in the ADIS function is defined before void and caused blinking; the solution is to move ADIS Function into each void