juchong / ADIS16460-Arduino-Teensy

Example C++ library and arduino project for the ADIS16460 and Teensy development platform.
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ADIS16460 Teensyduino (Arduino for Teensy) Demo

An example C++ library and Teensyduino project for the ADIS16460 iSensor Six Degrees of Freedom Inertial Sensor

This example library was written to give engineers, students, and makers a starting point for using a high-performance, compact, precision inertial sensor. The code in this repository will provide the user with:

What do I need to get started?

How do I install the library?

Once you've installed the Arduino IDE and Teensyduino libraries, copy the ADIS16460 folder into My Documents > Arduino > libraries

Be sure to restart the Arduino IDE to refresh the library directory!

How do I connect the IMU to my Arduino?

If using a Teensy, the onboard regulator should provide enough current for the ADIS16460 to properly operate.

You'll need to build a cable to interface the sensor with the ADIS16IMU4/PCBZ. The image below shows a custom Teensy interface board for iSensors products.

ADIS16460-Teensy Interface Board

Pin assignments for the Teensy can be found in the example sketch comments.

How do I know it's working?

Once you have the sensor connected and have opened the ADIS16460_Teensy_BurstRead_Example.ino example sketch, use PuTTY to connect to the arduino using the following settings. Note that your COM port may be different:

ADIS16460 Example PuTTY Config

If everything is working, you should see a screen like this:

ADIS16460 Example PuTTY Output

The demo software will only update the screen ~2 times/second, but every sample is being captured by the interrupt service routine.

A single burst frame should look like this: ADIS16460 Burst Frame