judge2005 / EleksTubeIPS

A replacement firmware for v1 of the EleksTubeIPS clock
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link

Screens in reverse order #14

Open eskudo12791 opened 1 month ago

eskudo12791 commented 1 month ago

Apologies ahead of time for my lack of familiarity. I purchased the "RGB glow tube clock IPS" and loaded the "Punkcyber" firmware via the web installer but the screens are in reverse order. Is this not the appropriate firmware for my device?

judge2005 commented 1 month ago

Try the regular Elekstube firmware https://www.nixies.us/projects/elekstubeips-clock/elekstube-ips-v1/

eskudo12791 commented 1 month ago

judge2005, thank you for the reply. That version seems to work but is unstable, when I change clock faces they will start to load but then go blank, to make them come back I have to cycle the power and then screen 3 will randomly just go blank. Outside of Punkcyber being backwards the display was stable. Possibly I have a temperamental board?