judge2005 / EleksTubeIPS

A replacement firmware for v1 of the EleksTubeIPS clock
MIT License
9 stars 4 forks source link
arduino clock eleksmaker elekstubeips esp32 firmware improv ntp st7789

A Custom Firmware for the EleksTube IPS V1 clock

Features of This Firmware

This firmware uses the WiFi support that your clock already has to sync the time with the internet and to provide an easy way to configure the clock and change the display:

This image shows the clock running in 4 digit mode with weather forecast

Captive Portal

This shows a weather forecast using colored icons:

Captive Portal

This shows the digital rain screen saver:

Captive Portal


See the wiki for detailed information on how to build, install and use this firmware.


Original documentation and software from EleksMaker.

This code wouldn't exist without the work done by the people on this reddit discussion.