judicialcouncilcalifornia / docassemble.jcc.abilitytopay

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Ability to Pay DocAssemble Interview

Build Status

Ability to Pay is a web application for requesting fine reductions for traffic violations in California counties. It is built with the open source DocAssemble framework.

Directory Structure

- docassemble
-- jcc
--- abilitytopay

---- a2papi.py (core python module for interacting with ATP API, error-handling, etc.)
---- a2putil.py
---- templates.py (HTML snippets)
---- translations.py (all interview text lives here in both English + Spanish)

---- data (python source code)
----- es-words.yml (Spanish translations for "system" words)
----- questions (ymls that describe each interview question, with some embedded python logic)
----- static (static assets)

- infra (READMEs for maintaining + deploying new instances of the webapp)
- source (sass stylesheets that get built into css)
- tests
- tools


The development environment is deployed to https://mycitations.dev.courts.ca.gov. Since Docassemble runs in a container, developing locally is not any easier than developing in the dev environment. However, if you want to develop locally, see Developing on a local machine.

Install development dependencies

npm install --only=dev

Building CSS from SASS

SASS is CSS with some extra syntax sugar that makes stylesheets easier to maintain. The stylesheets in this project are written in SASS in the source/ directory and compiled to CSS.


npm run build

to compile the .scss files in source/ into .css files in docassemble/jcc/abilitytopay/data/static/.

This is the only build step--all other source files are edited in-place in the docassemble/jcc/abilitytopay package directory.


See write_version.py and the version scripts in package.json. Use the npm version commands to bump the version. E.g.:

npm version minor

This will:

At this point, if you made a mistake, you can git tag -d <version-number-goes-here> (e.g. git tag -d v1.0.2) to delete the version tag and git reset HEAD~1 --hard to undo the version commit.

If you did everything right, push the version commit and tag:

git push && git push --tags

Developing on a local machine

DocAssemble uses Docker for both local development and deployment. You can find the instructions to setup Docassemble using Docker here:


Once DocAssemble is running, visit the admin page at e.g. http://localhost:8080/updatepackage, create a user account, and install this repo as a package.



a2papi.py contains all the logic to connect to the A2P backend.

The first step is to acquire an OAuth access token - see below for configuration. We issue a request for a token in each call to __do_request.

Once we have the access token, we use one of the three main methods:


The only required configuration is setting up the appropriate A2P API keys in the DocAssemble Configuration tab in the admin dropdown:

  client_id: <client id for backend>
  client_secret: <client secret for backend>
  blob_account_key: <azure storage blob account key>
  blob_account_name: <azure storage blob account name>
  oauth_resource: <resource ID for backend>
  base_url: <API host for making requests to A2P backend>
  ad_url: <ActiveDirectory URL for getting oauth tokens>

You'll also want to set the default interview:

default interview: docassemble.jcc.abilitytopay:data/questions/interview.yml

You can also set the following variables to enable exception emails:

error notification email: <some email>
error notification variables: True

This will send an email to the address specified when an error occurs.

To setup email support (so that exception emails will actually send), make sure you have a properly configured SMTP server or provider like SendGrid and follow the steps here: https://docassemble.org/docs/config.html#mail


In situations where results are not ideal, you can view the DocAssemble logs (see here for more info): https://docassemble.org/docs/errors.html

Since we are currently pre-launch, we are debugging the entire request and response objects (including URL, body, headers, and response code). This information is present in the logs to ease with the debugging process.

We also wrap each of the three main entrypoint methods mentioned above in a try... except block and send an empty response back to DA. This is to avoid having the user see an unhelpful technical error screen. In the logs, however, we log the exception so that we can debug later (the error begins with the text "Error trying to communicate with A2P API").

More DocAssemble logs

From https://docassemble.org/docs/docker.html#troubleshooting:

Log files on the container that you might wish to check include:

Entering Docassemble's python virtualenv

From within the docassemble container:

su www-data
source /usr/share/docassemble/local3.5/bin/activate

Inspecting the Docassemble database:

From within the docassemble container:

psql -U docassemble -d docassemble -h localhost -W


The DA Ability to Pay instance currently runs on JCC Azure. The setup instructions are located in infra/README.md.

See infra/upgrade-docassemble.md for instructions on how to freeze and upgrade to a specific version of docassemble.


This application is currently deployed to:

This repository is installed as a package in both deployments. The testing deployment installs from the uat branch, and the production deployment installs from the prod branch.

To update deployed code, push to the corresponding branch, then visit e.g. https://mycitations.uat.courts.ca.gov/updatepackage, scroll down to the docassemble.jcc.abilitytopay package, and click "update".


The testing and production deployments are monitored with UptimeRobot. The monitor is configured to look for the words:

Request a Fine Reduction

on the two courts.ca.gov pages linked above. The monitor sends an e-mail when a service goes up or down.