= rails-sh
rails-sh is a mini shell for rails3 that provides a uniform and quick access to commands.
== Install
$ gem install rails-sh
== Usage
$ cd your-rails3-app $ rails-sh
You can specify an environment as follows:
$ rails-sh test
== Examples
Execute rake task:
rails> rake db:migrate
Generate a controller:
rails> rails generate controller foo bar $ rails g controller foo bar create app/controllers/foo_controller.rb route get "foo/bar" invoke erb create app/views/foo create app/views/foo/bar.html.erb invoke test_unit create test/functional/foo_controller_test.rb invoke helper create app/helpers/foo_helper.rb invoke test_unit create test/unit/helpers/foo_helper_test.rb
Run console:
rails> console
== Commands
please type help
== Configuration
rails-sh will try to load '~/railsshrc' as configuration.
Rails::Sh::Command.define 'my_command' do |arg|
puts "Execute my_command with arg(#{arg}
== Contributing to rails-sh
== Copyright
Copyright (c) 2011 jugyo. See LICENSE.txt for further details.