juju-solutions / interface-http

Interface layer for the basic http interface protocol
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This interface layer implements the basic form of the http interface protocol, which is used for things such as reverse-proxies, load-balanced servers, REST service discovery, et cetera.



By providing the http interface, your charm is providing an HTTP server that can be load-balanced, reverse-proxied, used as a REST endpoint, etc.

Your charm need only provide the port on which it is serving its content, as soon as the {relation_name}.available state is set:

def configure_website(website):


By requiring the http interface, your charm is consuming one or more HTTP servers, as a REST endpoint, to load-balance a set of servers, etc.

Your charm should respond to the {relation_name}.available state, which indicates that there is at least one HTTP server connected.

The services() method returns a list of available HTTP services and their associated hosts and ports.

The return value is a list of dicts of the following form:

        'service_name': name_of_service,
        'hosts': [
                'hostname': address_of_host,
                'port': port_for_host,
            # ...
    # ...

A trivial example of handling this interface would be:

from charms.reactive.helpers import data_changed

def update_reverse_proxy_config(reverseproxy):
    services = reverseproxy.services()
    if not data_changed('reverseproxy.services', services):
    for service in services:
        for host in service['hosts']:
            hookenv.log('{} has a unit {}:{}'.format(