Script to assist in gathering logs and other debugging info from a Juju model
The best way to install this plugin is via the snap:
sudo snap install --classic juju-crashdump
However, you can also install using pip:
sudo pip install git+
juju crashdump [-h] [-d] [-m MODEL] [-f MAX_FILE_SIZE] [-b BUG]
[-o OUTPUT_DIR] [-u UNIQ] [-s] [-a ADDON]
[--addons-file ADDONS_FILE]
[extra_dir [extra_dir ...]]
Addons can be used to collect information that is not already present in files on the nodes. The following addons can be chosen from:
Additional addons can be loaded using --addons-file
. Addons files must take the format of:
# command to run locally (on the machine running juju crashdump),
# all created files will be pushed to {location} on all units.
local: echo "example" > example.txt
# command to run on every unit, all files created in {output} will be saved in the crashdump.
remote: mv {location}/example.txt {output}/example.txt
# local command to run for each {unit} or each {machine}. Std output will be saved.
local-per-unit: echo "example including {unit}"
The commands can appear in any order, any command can be left out, but every command can only be used once.