julekgwa / react-native-app-onboard

React Native App Onboard is a customizable, easy-to-use, and efficient library for creating compelling onboarding experiences for your React Native applications. It provides smooth, fluid transitions and animations, with a focus on simplicity and usability.
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React Native App Onboard is a customizable, easy-to-use, and efficient library for creating compelling onboarding experiences for your React Native applications. It provides smooth, fluid transitions and animations, with a focus on simplicity and usability.

Expo Snack example


yarn add react-native-app-onboard


import React from 'react';
import { Onboarding } from 'react-native-app-onboard';

const App = () => {
  return (
          backgroundColor: '#140E17',
          image: <Image source={require('./images/image1.png')} />,
          title: 'Find petcare around your location',
            'Just turn on your location and you will find the nearest pet care you wish.',
          backgroundColor: '#140E17',
          image: <Image source={require('./images/image2.png')} />,
          title: 'Let us give the best treatment',
          subtitle: 'Get the best treatment for your animal with us',
          backgroundColor: '#140E17',
          image: <Image source={require('./images/image3.png')} />,
          title: 'Book appointment with us!',
          subtitle: 'What do you think? book our veterinarians now',
      onDone={() => console.log('Onboarding completed')}

export default App;


Prop Type Default Description
children React.ReactNode[] Optional. An array of child components to render within the onboarding component.
nextLabel string | React.ReactNode Optional. Custom label for the "Next" button. Can be a string or a React Node.
skipLabel string | React.ReactNode Optional. Custom label for the "Skip" button. Can be a string or a React Node.
doneLabel string | React.ReactNode Optional. Custom label for the "Done" button. Can be a string or a React Node.
showSkip boolean false Optional. Determines whether the "Skip" button is shown.
showNext boolean true Optional. Determines whether the "Next" button is shown.
showDone boolean true Optional. Determines whether the "Done" button is shown.
scrollAnimationDuration number 500 Optional. Duration of the scroll animation in milliseconds. Default is 500.
useNativeDriver boolean Optional. Determines whether animations should use the native driver.
onDone () => void Optional. Callback function that is called when the "Done" button is pressed.
onSkip () => void Optional. Callback function that is called when the "Skip" button is pressed.
showPagination boolean true Optional. Determines whether pagination indicators are shown.
scrollEnabled boolean true Optional. Determines whether the onboarding screens are scrollable.
customFooter (props: { nextPage: () => void }) => React.ReactNode Optional. Function that returns a custom footer component. Receives a nextPage function as a prop.
paginationContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the pagination container.
buttonRightContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the container of the button positioned on the right.
buttonLeftContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the container of the button positioned on the left.
dotsContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the dots container in the pagination.
doneLabelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Optional. Custom style for the "Done" label.
skipLabelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Optional. Custom style for the "Skip" label.
nextLabelStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Optional. Custom style for the "Next" label.
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the main container of the onboarding component.
imageContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the image container.
titleContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the title container.
titleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Optional. Custom style for the title text.
subtitleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> Optional. Custom style for the subtitle text.
paginationPosition 'top' | 'bottom' Optional. Determines the position of the pagination indicators. Can be either 'top' or 'bottom'.
width number Optional. Custom width for the onboarding component.
color string Optional. Color of the pagination dots.
pages Page[] Optional. An array of Page objects to render as the onboarding screens.
skipButtonContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the container of the "Skip" button.
nextButtonContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the container of the "Next" button.
doneButtonContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> Optional. Custom style for the container of the "Done" button.
skipButtonPosition 'top-left' | 'top-right' Optional. Specifies the position of the "Skip" button. Can be either 'top-left' or 'top-right'.
swap boolean false Optional. If true, swaps the positions of the title/subtitle and image.

Page Type

Each Page object in the pages prop should conform to the following structure:

Property Type Required Description
title string Yes The main title text for the page.
subtitle string Yes The subtitle text for the page, providing additional information.
image React.ReactNode Yes A React Node representing the image to be displayed on the page.
backgroundColor string Yes The background color for the page.
color string No Optional. The text color for the title and subtitle.
width number No Optional. The width of the page. Can be used to adjust the page width.
containerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> No Optional. Custom styles to be applied to the page's container view.
imageContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> No Optional. Custom styles for the container of the image.
titleContainerStyle StyleProp<ViewStyle> No Optional. Custom styles for the container of the title.
titleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> No Optional. Custom styles for the title text.
subtitleStyle StyleProp<TextStyle> No Optional. Custom styles for the subtitle text.

Example Page Object

  "title": "Welcome to Our App",
  "subtitle": "This is where your journey begins.",
  "image": <ImageComponent />,
  "backgroundColor": "#FFFFFF",
  "color": "#000000",
  "width": 300,
  "containerStyle": {},
  "imageContainerStyle": {},
  "titleContainerStyle": {},
  "titleStyle": {},
  "subtitleStyle": {}

Using the Onboarding Hook

To manage the state and navigation of the onboarding flow more effectively, you can utilize the custom useOnboarding hook. This hook provides a convenient way to access and modify the onboarding state, including the current page, whether scrolling is enabled, and functions to navigate through the onboarding screens.

Features Provided by the useOnboarding Hook

Example Usage

Here's how you can use the useOnboarding hook within an onboarding screen component:

import React from 'react';
import { View, Button } from 'react-native';
import { useOnboarding } from './OnboardingContext';

const OnboardingScreen = () => {
  const { nextPage, isDone } = useOnboarding();

  return (
      {/* Your screen content goes here */}
        title={isDone ? 'Finish' : 'Next'}

export default OnboardingScreen;

Expo Snack Examples

Using the custom footer component:

Expo Snack

Using the custom page,

you can provide a custom component for each page by passing the components as children to the Onboarding component:

Expo Snack


This component library draws inspiration from the react-native-onboarding-swiper package.

We thank the creators and contributors of react-native-onboarding-swiper for their work, which has been a valuable reference in the development of this library.


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.



Made with create-react-native-library