julianbruegger / corona-display

Keep Track of the Corona-Numbers
GNU General Public License v3.0
46 stars 9 forks source link


To keep a eye on the current Corona-Virus numbers I created this Programm wich displays the current stats to the Display.

Buy me a Coffee


For data I use this Website.

To extract the data I use BeautifulSoup.

Make it work

To print the numbers to the Terminal simply run the fetch.py file.

To use it with an i2c Display you need to edit the /module/corna.py file. Change folowing Values:

Every line you ned to change is explained.

Send me a Picture

If you made a Ticker by yourself feel free to create a issue with the Lable Make and send me some Pictures.






You need the Folowing Material

Moast of the things you allso can get on AliExpress


Fetch current version of GitHub.

cd ~
git clone https://github.com/julianbruegger/corona-display.git

cd ~/corona-display

To setup the Display run:

sudo chmod +x install.sh
sudo ./install.sh

This Installs all the dependencies.

To run the Programm run:

Big Display

python3 display_20x4.py

Small Display

python3 display_16x2.py 

Old Version's

The first version of this with an other datasource is linked V1

Second version with Beautiful-Soup V2