The project has several complementary aims. These include:
Reviews in app stores can help provide clues we can use to improve our work and the apps we work on. These clues can be bug reports, feature requests, information on how the app is being used, and what people expect the app to do. There may be lots of reviews, yet typically only a small percentage of these reviews are directly actionable. This project consists of software to help us to process reviews, identify the reviews we find valuable, and archive those we don't.
Users will be able to score valuable reviews using various criteria and be able to describe potential tests based on the information gleaned from these reviews.
The project currently comprises of two projects in active development:
The Android App will be able to load and use historical data (downloaded from the Google Play Developer Console). Some examples of historical data are provided from the Android Kiwix app to enable people to practice working with the app using realistic data.
Here's the getting started for developers. For users, the app will soon be available from Google Play (once we've got enough functionality working).
The Android app is developed in Android Studio 2.2.2 and you should be able to import the project and build and run it as any Android app.
The app can also be built and deployed from the command-line using gradle e.g. ./gradlew installDebug
will build the app and deploy the debug build on an Android device.
The app will consist of several discrete layers:
In addition the app will incorporate in-app mobile analytics to provide data on how the app is being used. The in-app mobile analytics is part of research led by Julian Harty as part of his Ph.D research.
The app is itself part of the research project and will be developed based on analysing analytics, results, and feedback about the app. The journey and discoveries are - from a research and discovery perspective - as important as the app itself.
Feedback and contributions are welcome. Please raise requests and suggestions as issues on this project. If you'd like to contribute code and other related materials, please fork the project, add your contributions to your copy of the project, and then send pull requests.
Thank you