julianmunozm45 / jm45-blazt

MIT License
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Awesome Java 21 Concurrency Preview Project

This project showcases the upcoming concurrency features in Java 21 by implementing a set of APIs, starting with a fun Cat Facts and Pics API built with Spring Boot.


This code is for demonstration purposes only and not meant for production use. The author makes no guarantees and assumes no responsibility for any issues or damages incurred from using this code or parts of it in a production environment.

Getting Started

These instructions will help you get the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



For the application to run successfully, you'll need to provide an API key for the-cat-api. Create a file named .env in the root of the project with the following content:



Clone the repository to your local machine:

git clone https://github.com/julianmunozm45/jm45-blazt.git
cd jm45-blazt

Build the project and run tests:

./gradlew clean build

Run the application:

./gradlew bootRun


Cat Facts and Pics API

Fetch random cat facts or pictures. Each request may return either a cat fact or a cat picture.


More APIs showcasing Java 21 concurrency features will be added in the future.


MIT (c) 2023 julianmunozm45