julianoappelklein / hokus

A modern CMS for Hugo
MIT License
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Hokus CMS

Hokus CMS

A CMS for Hugo to run on your computer. No hosting fees are required.


For a quick preview, access our website and look for our preview video: https://www.hokuscms.com/

Alpha Warning: Hokus is still a work in progress and some awesome features are not yet ready.


Take a look at our features and understand why Hokus is a great tool for your Hugo websites:

Some features may be under development.

Current State

You can use Hokus for some workflows right now. It is fully ready to manage local Hugo websites.

Start today, download our installer (Windows, Linux or macOS), install Hokus on your PC and set up a website within seconds by using our wizard.

Just keep in mind that Hokus will be much more in the future.

Getting Started


You'll have to learn some concepts before diving deep into Hokus. But don't worry, they are very easy to master.

Website Configuration File

The website configuration files are stored in your home/username/Hokus folder. It don't not be versioned, but you can if it get complex. You can have multiple websites registered, each having their own configuration file. (e.g. config.website-1.json, config.website-2.json)

A minimal website configuration file looks like this:

  "name": "Hokus Website", /* your website friendly name */
  "key": "hokus-website", /* your website unique key */
  "source": { /* where your website workspaces will come from */
    "type": "folder", /* every source has a type but for now we only have the folder type */
    "path": "D:/Projects/hokus-website/" /* an absolute path to your website folder */
  "publish": [ /* configurations used to server your workspaces to use with Hugo executable */
      "key": "default",
      "config": {
        "type": "folder",
        "path": "D:\\website-output-path\\"

Note that your website configuration can be a JSON, YAML or TOML file.

Workspace Configuration File

All the UI configurations and bindings are set in the workspace configuration file.

Keep in mind:

For a minimal configuration file, see the default workspace configuration (which is auto created when you open a workspace without configuration), slightly changed:

  "hugover": "0.67.1",
      "key": "posts", /* a unique key */
      "title": "Posts", /* a friendly title for your menu item */
      "folder": "content/posts/", /* relative path to a list of page bundles */
      "extension": "md", /* md|html|json|toml|yaml */
      "dataformat": "yaml", /* yaml|json|toml */
      "itemtitle": "Post", /* a title for a single item of the collection */
      "fields": /* here you will set up your UI binded to the collection */
        { "type":"info", "content":"# Info\nYou can write custom instructions here." },
        { "key":"title", "title":"Title", "type":"string" },
        { "key":"mainContent", "title":"Content", "type":"markdown" },
        { "key":"pubdate", "title":"Pub Date", "type":"date" },
        { "key":"draft", "title":"Draft", "type":"boolean" },
        { "key":"bundle-manager", "type":"bundle-manager", "path":"imgs", "extensions": ["png","jpg","gif"], "fields":[
            { "key":"title", "title":"Title", "type":"string" },
            { "key":"description", "title":"Description", "type":"string", "multiLine":true }
      "key": "mainConfig", /* a unique key */
      "title": "Main Config", /* a friendly title for your menu item */
      "file": "config.yaml", /* a relative path to your file. "somePath/yourfilename.(md|html|json|toml|yaml)" */
        { "key":"title", "title":"Site Title", "type":"string" },
        { "key":"params", "title":"Params", "type":"nest", "fields": [
          //... more fields

Note that your workspace configuration can be a JSON, YAML or TOML file.

Hokus Configuration File

An optional configuration file can be stored in your home/username/Hokus folder. When config.json is found hokus will read the settings at startup.

It looks like this:

  "debugEnabled": true,
  "cookbookEnabled": true,
  "siteManagementEnabled": true


Collections and singles configurations have a property named "fields" where you must provide an array of field configurations.

Each field must use one of the available Hokus components by setting a "type" property. The current types list is below:

Some components have a "field" or "fields" property, allowing for nesting and composition.

To see the components in action, you can access our Forms Cookbook. For quick reference. (the Forms Cookbook is also included in the desktop app.)

You can also refer to the source code to see all available properties for each component type.

More Concepts

More concepts are yet to come, but with those already given, and by looking into the Forms Cookbook, you should now be ready to use Hokus CMS.



To debug the main process using VSCode, select "Debug Main Process" and hit F5. This will start only the main process (Electron), you also need to start the frontend by running npm run _react-dev.


Building on Windows

Building on Linux

Install the required tools:

sudo apt-get install nodejs
sudo apt-get install npm

Clone the repository and set the current directory to the root:

git clone https://github.com/julianoappelklein/hokus.git && cd hokus

Install NPM dependencies and build:

npm install && npm run dist-linux

Building on macOS

Install the required tools:

brew install npm

Clone the repository and set the current directory to the root:

git clone https://github.com/julianoappelklein/hokus.git && cd hokus

Install NPM dependencies and build:

npm install && npm run dist-mac

Help Wanted

Right now, Hokus is almost a one-man project. When I (Juliano Appel Klein) started to develop it, I was trying to create a simple tool to let customers edit their Hugo websites. But soon I figured out this was not a simple task.

I believe Hokus can become a great project. The Hugo community is large and there is a lack of simple tools to use.

If you want to contribute, please let me know. You can create an issue or reach me through the website contact page.


The desired workflow for Hokus is:

Development Stack