juliarunkle / EEP-Project-2-Harriette-Chick

EEP 153 Project #2
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Feb 26 Meeting Notes – Deliverables & Due Dates *last updated March 6 #16

Open vivfeng opened 1 year ago

vivfeng commented 1 year ago

Action Items to finish by Feb 27 2pm (before class)

1) Write up the Description of Population of Interest - Carol

2) Collect more on & off-campus data for food that exists in the FDC

check with FDC, think of raw foods – Rayna

3) Find the FDC codes for foods we already have data on – Julia, Jayden

4) Finish solution for minimum cost diet – Vivian


Coding Deliverables

A Dietary Reference Intakes – Viv DONE

A Nutritional Content of Different Foods – Viv DONE

A Solution for Min Cost Diet - Viv DONE

B Review Another Group Code – Rayna, Jayden - IN PROGRESS

B Total Cost for population of interest – Viv DONE

C Sensitivity of Solution - VIV DONE

Non-Coding Deliverables

A Description of Population of interest – Carol DONE

A Data on prices for different foods - all DONE

A Presentation – Julia, Carol, Jayden, Rayna *Ask Prof

B Meal Reviews – Jayden - IN PROGRESS

B Is Solution Edible – Carol, Julia - IN PROGRESS

Key Dates

Code draft due March 3

Rough draft of Presentation done March 5

Code Reviews done by March 6

Make Code Review changes by March 7

Presentation Final Draft by March 7

vivfeng commented 1 year ago

Link to Food Prices Spreadsheet Link to FDC Food Search (https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-app.html#/)

vivfeng commented 1 year ago

Link to code: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/11ATEaCjdsbuHZ2oi-zk-xoI1lgc_fZB0?authuser=1#scrollTo=01poxPgaCbHg

vivfeng commented 1 year ago

New link to code: https://nb.anaconda.cloud/jupyterhub/user/19ffdc7a-209d-4dfb-bc1f-fdd56b203d74/lab/tree/Project2_Chickk.ipynb