julibinho / cloneCluster

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Clustering and merging algotithms

To run the code from this file, use :

For a clustering algorithm :

$. ./settingPath.sh
$python3 $ALGO -p $DATA -r $RESULT 

Warning : If using Gclust algo : run with Python2 and not Python3

For a merging algorithm :

$. ./settingPath.sh
$python3 $ALGO -c $CLUST -d $DATA -r $RESULT

Then, you can see some stats of the algo that you just run :

$python3 $SILHOUETTE -f $DATA -c $RESULT
$python3 $TIME -p $DATA

And only for simulated data :

$python3 $F1 -p $RESULT -t $REF
$python3 $GRAPH -r $RESULT -t $REF
$python3 $ANALYSIS -p $RESULT -t $REF -d $DATA

For Gclust only on Artificial CDR3 sequences of IMGT :

$python2 $ALGO -p $DATA_IMGT -r $RESULT
$python3 $F1 -p $RESULT -t $REF