Looking for maintainers, drop a message in this issue.
Stream and CLI to convert CSV to JSON.
Installation of the npm package:
Install globally if you want to use the CLI:
npm install --global csv2json
Install locally if you want to use it as a library:
npm install --save csv2json
Usage: csv2json [OPTIONS] [<input file> [<output file>]]
-d, --dynamic-typing
Convert booleans and numeric to their type instead of strings.
-s <separator>, --separator=<separator>
Field separator to use (default to comma “,”).
-t, --tsv
Use tab as separator, overrides separator flag.
<input file>
CSV file to read data from.
If unspecified or a dash (“-”), use the standard input.
<output file>
JSON file to write data to.
If unspecified or a dash (“-”), use the standard output.
var csv2json = require('csv2json');
var fs = require('fs');
// Defaults to comma.
separator: ';'
Contributions are very welcomed, either on the documentation or on the code.
You may:
Thanks to @twilson63 for letting me use the csv2json name on npm.
ISC © Julien Fontanet