jumilla / wordpress-plus

Laravel 5 feat. WordPress. Use Lumen.
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About WordPress+ (WordPress Plus)

WordPress+ wrapped WordPress in high-speed micro framework Lumen powered by Laravel 5.


The happy of the development side

WordPress+ requires

The function WordPress+ is supporting

About settings

Web server setting

Please to the following configuration files to reference.

Project-specific environment variables

WordPress+ you can specify a project local environment variables to .env file. This file is the area that can describe a common set to Lumen Application and WordPress.


Configuration file for WordPress wp-config.php

wp-config.php has been customized for WordPress+。 !!!Do Not Edit!!!


It can be installed from Composer or source cord download.

Installation using Composer

Please open a command prompt and carry out the next command.

$ cd <parent-of-an-install-directory>
$ composer create-project laravel-plus/wordpress <an-install-directory>

Source code is downloaded and installed.

A Download ZIP button of our repository of GitHub is pressed and source cord is downloaded.

And ZIP is developed in an optional directory of a local machine.

Please open a command prompt and run following commands.

$ cd <installed-directory>
$ composer install
$ cp .env.example .env
$ php artisan key:generate

Check to install. Once the command list is displayed, OK!

$ php artisan

Environment variables

The environment variable setting filing to which a project is peculiar writes the setting by which it's for a data base in .env. Please refer to .env.example for a setting example.

Server initiation method

It can start by a PHP built-in server.

Please open a command prompt and run following commands.

$ cd <installed-directory>
$ php artisan serve

When http://localhost:8000 is opened by a web browser, you can access. A GUI setup of WordPress starts at the first time launch. (Can also WordPress installation by artisan command wordpress:install)

A management screen is http://localhost:8000/backend (Redirect to http://localhost:8000/backend/wp-admin/).

To match the destination domain, please change the URL in the .env. And apart from the site URLWP_SITEURL and back-end URLWP_BACKENDURL, you can also increase the security.

Setting of a web server

Lumen 5 / Laravel 5 is recommending to take slash / of an end of Uniform Resource Locator by setting of a web server. But WordPress needs slash / of an end, so please be careful in case of setting. A redirection loop sometimes occurs after login to a management screen.

artisan commands

Use of Blade in the theme

A directory as blade is made in the theme directory and a file along a WordPress template file name agreement is arranged there. The extension is made .blade.php.

When setting environment variable WP_BLADE_PRECOMPILE as true (default), when indicating a page by WordPress+, a compiled PHP file is output in theme directory falling plumb down. WordPress+ is original mounting for the Blade engine used at the same time.

When setting environment variable WP_BLADE_PRECOMPILE as false, a PHP file in the sky which corresponds to a blade file is output in theme directory falling plumb down. The Blade engine used at the same time is mounting of Laravel 5.

Blade directives


2015 Fumio Furukawa / 古川 文生, All rights reserved.


WordPress+ is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license
Lumen framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license
WordPress is open-sourced software licensed under the – GNU General Public License –