Using Vagrant and an official Ubuntu box designed for Virtualbox.
Ansible provisioning for Vagrant.
Nodejs for bot.
Install Homebrew:
/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Install Homebrew cask:
brew tap caskroom/cask
Install Vagrant and Virtualbox:
brew cask install vagrant virtualbox
Build and launch local dev environment:
vagrant up
Watch logs:
vagrant ssh -c "tail -f /home/ubuntu/.config/lotto-bot/log.txt"
Downloading new roles is done through vagrant (unless you have Ansible installed on the host).
vagrant ssh -c "ansible-galaxy install --roles-path /vagrant/roles username.role"
Where username.role
is as per
This will download to the roles directory shared between the vagrant guest and the repo on the host.
This chatbot helps to run "Bounce Back Lottery".
node toto.js 2>errlog
TOR is recommended since you are keeping your private keys online and don't want your IP address to be known. See core documentation about TOR.