junckritter / python-github2

github client in python, with issues support.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
2 stars 1 forks source link

================================================================================== python-github2 - Github API v2 library for Python.

:Authors: Ask Solem (askh@opera.com) :Version: 0.1.2

This is an experimental python library implementing all of the features available in version 2 of the Github API_.

Note This software is not finished. And is likely to change in the near future.

.. _Github API: http://develop.github.com/


You should read the developer documentation for the Github API_ first.


You can install python-github2 either via the Python Package Index (PyPI) or from source.

To install using pip,::

$ pip install github2

To install using easy_install,::

$ easy_install github2

If you have downloaded a source tarball you can install it by doing the following,::

$ python setup.py build
# python setup.py install # as root

Creating a request

>>> from github2.client import Github
>>> github = Github(username="ask", api_token=".......")

Or for an unauthenticated connection

>>> github = Github()



>>> results = github.users.search("foo")

Getting User Information

>>> user = github.users.show("ask")
>>> user.name
"Ask Solem"

Getting User Network

>>> github.users.followers("ask")
['greut', 'howiworkdaily', 'emanchado', 'webiest']

>>> github.users.following("ask")

Following Network

>>> github.users.follow("jezdez")

>>> github.users.unfollow("jezdez")


List a Projects Issues

>>> github.issues.list("ask/chishop", state="open")
>>> github.issues.list("ask/chishop", state="closed")

View an Issue

>>> issue = github.issues.show("ask/chishop", 1)
>>> issue.title
'Should not be able to upload same version twice.'

View Comments on an Issue

>>> comments = github.issues.comments("ask/chishop", 5)
>>> comments[0].body
'Fix merged into /ask branch.'

Open and Close Issues

>>> new_issue = github.issues.open("ask/chishop", title="New bug",
...                                body="This is a test bug")
>>> new_issue.number

>>> github.issues.close("ask/chishop", new_issue.number)

Add and Remove Labels

>>> github.issues.add_label("ask/chishop", 2, "important")

>>> github.issues.remove_label("ask/chishop", 2, "important")


Network Meta

>>> github.get_network_meta("ask/chishop")

Network Data

>>> github.get_network_data("schacon/simplegit",
...     nethash="fa8fe264b926cdebaab36420b6501bd74402a6ff")


Searching Repositories

>>> repositories = github.repos.search("django")

Show Repo Info

>>> repo = github.repos.show("schacon/grit")
>>> repo.homepage

List All Repositories

# By default lists all repos for the current user.
>>> repos = github.repos.list()

>>> repos = github.repos.list("schacon")

Watching Repositories

>>> github.repos.watch("schacon/grit")

>>> github.repos.unwatch("schacon/grit")

Forking Repositories

>>> fork = github.repos.fork("schacon/grit")

Creating and Deleting Repositories

>>> new_repo = github.repos.create(name, description, homepage,
...                                 public=True)

>>> github.repos.delete(name)

Repository Visibility

>>> github.repos.set_private("ask/chishop")

>>> github.repos.set_public("ask/chishop")


>>> collabs = github.repos.list_collaborators("ask/chishop")

>>> github.repos.add_collaborator("ask/chishop", "schacon")

>>> github.repos.remove_collaborator("ask/chishop", "schacon")


>>> github.repos.network("ask/chishop")

Repository Refs

Get a list of tags

>>> tags = github.repos.tags("ask/chishop")

Get a list of remote branches

>>> branches = github.repos.branches("ask/chishop") 


Listing Commits on a Branch

>>> commits = github.commits.list("mojombo/grit", "master")

Listing Commits for a File

>>> commits = github.commits.list("mojombo/grit", "master",
...                               file="grit.gemspec")

Showing a Specific Commit

>>> commit = github.commits.show("mojombo/grit",
...             sha="5071bf9fbfb81778c456d62e111440fdc776f76c")



>>> tree = github.get_tree(project, tree_sha)


>>> blob = github.get_blob_info(project, tree_sha, path)


This software is licensed under the New BSD License. See the LICENSE file in the top distribution directory for the full license text.

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