Junethack is a server for holding tournaments for the roguelike game NetHack and its forks.
This server collects data from several external public servers and show achievements and trophies for the participating players.
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/junethack/Junethack.git junethack
Install the Ruby interpreter. Example using RVM:
\curl -#L https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable
source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
rvm install `cat junethack/.ruby-version`
Install all required rubygems:
cd junethack
bundle install
Start the server
Update the year in the following files
Go through the list of servers and variants and add new ones and remove old ones.
Start the webserver with ARCHIVE_MODE=1 and use the script scripts/archive.sh to make a static copy of the website.
Edit the archive links to the previous Junethack tournaments in public/archive/2023/index.html. Also add a link to the the new Junethack archive in views/splash.haml.
Add and commit the repository.
TODO: more documentation, distinction prod/dev env, maintenance mode, manually fetching games, dummy users