jungwonOh0920 / tmdb

React project with The Movie Database API
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A Clone Project - Streaming Site

A mock web application with data from The Movie Database, built with React, Redux, Typescript, SCSS, TailwindCSS, and Firebase. Demo: https://jayohtmdb.netlify.app/home


The Movie Database provides vast amount of movie/TV data and actors. With the TMDB data, I'm building my own kingdom that looks like any streaming site such as Netflix. It's not following the exact same design or pattern from a company's site. Instead, I add things that I think it's cool. For example, the home page design is mostly coming from TMDB but the profile page is Peacock style. It's my playground to teach myself about front-end skills.

Project Status

This project is currently in development as I keep adding features and sophisticating the project. I still see a lot of bugs I need to fix as I develop so bear with me.

Project Screen Shots

Home page as logged In

Emphasizing on the most important thing - the button to my resume ๐Ÿ˜


Browsing on Home page

Tab, Card Slider, Card components.


Movie Detail page


Profile page

Users can either choose a character or upload their profile image.


Save favorites

When logged in, it allows users to save their favorites and it will show on the profile button when the mouse is hovered.

movie-detail-page movie-detail-page

Installation and Setup Instructions

Clone down this repository. You will need node and npm installed globally on your machine.


npm install

To Start Server:

npm start

To Visit App:



I'm still building this project as I practice things I'm not familiar with. So, far I learned