junosuarez / web-login

A maximally minimal proposal for browser-based user identity management
44 stars 6 forks source link


bare-bones browser-based identity for the web

design goals


navigator.login() => Promise<Token>
// Token is a string of a cryptographically secure token representing the user's identity


See the demo.

navigator.login().then(function (token) {

  // token = eg 7a14d72ae2c75497c7533e63a6ca2720888b204e

  return http.post({
    location: 'https://example.com/sessions',
    data: {token: token}

.catch(function (err) {
  console.log('could not log in:', err)


Normal Login

![](http://g.gravizo.com/g? @startuml; ; actor User; participant "Client Side App"; participant Browser; participant "Identity Provider"; participant Server; ; User -> "Client Side App": Click login button; "Client Side App" -> Browser: call navigator.login%28%29; Browser -> User: Ask user to pick IDP; User -> Browser: Choose IDP; Browser -> "Identity Provider": Initiate authentication process; "Identity Provider" -> User: Do user authentication process, if any; User -> "Identity Provider": Complete authentication process; "Identity Provider" -> Browser: Return IDP token; Browser -> "Client Side App": Return hashed WebLogin Token; "Client Side App" -> Server: Authenticate with WebLogin Token; Server -> "Client Side App": Begin authenticated user session...; ; @enduml; )

Depending on the User Agent, users may be able to cache their Identity Provider credentials (for example, a "remember my username and password" checkbox) to eliminate some user-involved steps in this process.

request for contributions

feedback, issues, and pull requests welcome. use cases and security review especially welcome

Come chat about it in IRC in #weblogin on irc.freenode.net