junyangq / snpnet

snpnet: Fast and scalable lasso/elastic-net solver for large SNP data
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Snpnet - Efficient Lasso Solver for Large-scale SNP Data

License: GPL-2



Most of the requirements of snpnet are available from CRAN. It also depends on the pgenlibr, glmnet/glmnetPlus and cindex (for survival analysis) packages. One can install them by running the following commands in R. Notice that the installation of pgenlibr requires zstd(>=1.4.4). It can be built from source or simply available from conda, pip or brew.

install_github("chrchang/plink-ng", subdir="/2.0/cindex")
install_github("chrchang/plink-ng", subdir="/2.0/pgenlibr")

We assume the users already have PLINK 2.0. Otherwise it can be installed from https://www.cog-genomics.org/plink/2.0/.