jup-ag / terminal

Jupiter Terminal is an open-sourced, lite version of Jupiter that provides end-to-end swap flow by linking it in your HTML.
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Jupiter Terminal

Jupiter Terminal is an open-sourced, lite version of Jupiter that provides end-to-end swap flow by linking it in your HTML.

Visit our Demo / Playground over at https://terminal.jup.ag

With several templates to get you started, and auto generated code snippets.

Breaking change v1 to v2

Core features

Getting started

1. Setup HTML

Terminal is designed to work anywhere the web runs, including React, Plain HTML/JS, and many other frameworks.

<!-- Attach the loading script in your <head /> -->
<script src="https://terminal.jup.ag/main-v3.js" />

<!-- Optionally, preload for better experience, or integrated mode -->
<script src="https://terminal.jup.ag/main-v3.js" data-preload />

2. Initialize Jupiter Terminal

Scenario 1: Terminal as part of your dApp (Passthrough Wallet)

Your dApp already has a <WalletProvider />.

window.Jupiter.init({ enableWalletPassthrough: true });

Then, syncronise wallet state between your dApp and Jupiter Terminal with syncProps()

import { useWallet } from '@solana/wallet-adapter-react'; // Or @jup-ag/wallet-adapter;

const passthroughWalletContextState = useWallet();
useEffect(() => {
  if (!window.Jupiter.syncProps) return;
  window.Jupiter.syncProps({ passthroughWalletContextState });
}, [passthroughWalletContextState.connected, props]);

Scenario 2: Standalone Terminal

Your dApp does not have a <WalletProvider />, or is a plain HTML/JS website.


3. Setup other props

  /** Required
   * Solana RPC endpoint
   * We do not recommend using the public RPC endpoint for production dApp, you will get severely rate-limited
  endpoint: 'https://api.mainnet-beta.solana.com',
  // ...other props

4. Finishing touches

Terminal are light, but full of features, such as customising form behaviour, fees, styling and much more.

Go to our Demo to explore all these features, with automagically generated integration code.

Or, check out our fully typed API reference for more details.

Additional API Reference

Typescript Support

Since Jupiter Terminal is not published on npm, and are only importable via CDN, to get proper typing, you can create a typing decalarion jupiter-terminal.d.ts file in your project, and copy the contents in src/types/index.d.ts

declare global {
  interface Window {
    Jupiter: JupiterTerminal;
// ...
// ...
// ...

Fee supports

Similar to Jupiter, Jupiter Terminal supports fee for integrators.

There are no protocol fees on Jupiter, but integrators can introduce a platform fee on swaps. The platform fee is provided in basis points, e.g. 20 bps for 0.2% of the token output.

Refer to Adding your own fees docs for more details.

Note: You will need to create the Token fee accounts to collect the platform fee.

By referral key referralAccount (easiest)

  referralAccount: '2XEYFwLBkLUxkQx5ZpFAAMzWhQxS4A9QzjhcPhUwhfwy',
  feeBps: 100,

  // ...

By defined fee accounts

Alternatively, you can derive yourself the fee accounts via Set your fee token account and declare them like so:

  feeBps: 100,

  // ...

Resuming / Closing activity

if (window.Jupiter._instance) {


Strict Token List

The Jupiter Token List API is an open, collaborative, and dynamic token list to make trading on Solana more transparent and safer for users and developers. It is true by default to ensure that only validated tokens are shown.

Learn more at: https://station.jup.ag/docs/token-list/token-list-api

Default Explorer

The default explorer is set to Solana Explorer;

You can change the default explorer by passing in the explorer name to the defaultExplorer prop.

Terminal callbacks

Callbacks that may be useful for your dApp, from form updates, to swap success/error.

  /** Callbacks */
  /** When an error has occured during swap */
  onSwapError ({ error, quoteResponseMeta }: { error TransactionError; quoteResponseMeta: QuoteResponseMeta | null }) {}
  /** When a swap has been successful */
  onSuccess ({ txid, swapResult, quoteResponseMeta }: { txid: string; swapResult: SwapResult; quoteResponseMeta: QuoteResponseMeta | null }) {}
  /** Callback when there's changes to the form */
  onFormUpdate (form: IForm) {}
  /** Callback when there's changes to the screen */
  onScreenUpdate (screen: IScreen) {}

  /** Advanced usage */
  /** onRequestIxCallback(), refer to dedicated section below */

Customising styles: CSSProperties

Any CSS-in-JS can be injected to the outer-most container via containerStyles api.


  // ...
  containerStyles: { zIndex: 100 },
  // ...
  containerStyles: { maxHeight: '90vh' },

Customising className: Tailwind className

Tailwind classes can be injected to the outer-most container via containerClassName api.


  // ...
  containerClassName: 'max-h-[90vh] lg:max-h-[600px]',


Request Terminal to return instructions instead of transaction, so you can compose using the instructions returned.

Be sure to return SwapResult back to Terminal, so Terminal can handle screen/state transitioning.

const onRequestIxCallback: IInit['onRequestIxCallback'] = async (ixAndCb) => {};


Limit the number of accounts to be used by the Swap Instructions.

Upcoming feature / Experimentation