jupl / closcri

ClojureScript Boilerplate
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Closcri ClojureScript Boilerplate

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** Table of Contents

** About This is a boilerplate project for developing client-side code using [[https://clojurescript.org/][ClojureScript]]. Flavors:

^{[[#closcri-clojurescript-boilerplate][Back to top]]}

** Prerequisites

^{[[#closcri-clojurescript-boilerplate][Back to top]]}

** Getting Started

  1. Follow the [[https://github.com/boot-clj/boot#install][instructions for installing Boot]]
  2. Clone/download this repository
  3. Start running tasks as described below in the [[#tasks][tasks section]]

^{[[#closcri-clojurescript-boilerplate][Back to top]]}

** Project structure *** Overview


closcri/ ├─ resources/ # Files to be included in build │ ├─ assets/ # Static files │ ├─ app.cljs.edn # Application entry point │ ├─ devcards.cljs.edn # Devcards entry point │ ├─ devcards.html # HTML to present Devcards │ └─ index.html # HTML to present application ├─ src/ │ └─ projectname/ # Project namespace │ ├─ app/ # Application namespace │ │ └─ main.cljs # Application entry point │ └─ common/ # Shared code namespace │ ├─ config.cljc # Configuration data/functions │ ├─ devcards.cljs # Devcards entry point │ └─ reload.cljs # Helpers for hot reload ├─ boot.properties # Boot properties └─ build.boot # Tasks and dependencies for project


*** Entry Points When JavaScript code is built, entry points are defined by the =.cljs.edn= file inside the =resources/= directory. The entry point files reference namespaces and functions in the =src/= directory.

^{[[#closcri-clojurescript-boilerplate][Back to top]]}

** Tasks Tasks can be executed in the following manner:


boot [command]




boot dev -s -p 8000 boot build


*** =boot dev [-d] [-s] [-p PORT]= Create a development build with source maps.

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** Project Resources

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