A JupyterLab plugin to facilitate invocation of code formatters.
Documentation: Hosted on ReadTheDocs
I recommend you going to the documentation site, but this should work too.
pip install jupyterlab-code-formatter
# NOTE: Install black and isort,
# JL code formatter is configured to invoke isort and black by default
pip install black isort
This plugin includes a server plugin, restart JupyterLab if you have followed the above steps while it's running.
To configure which/how formatters are invoked, see configuration.
If you don't use Discord then feel free to open a GitHub issue, do note I am a bit slower in responding in GitHub.
I could really use your support in giving me a star on GitHub, recommending features or fixing bugs.
This extension was originally developed and maintained by @ryantam626. Massive thanks to the below list of people who made past contributions to the project!
This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT LICENSE .