jupyterlite / xeus-python-demo

JupyterLite template repository with xeus-python as default kernel
47 stars 12 forks source link

xeus-python + JupyterLite demo


xeus-python + JupyterLite deployed as a static site to GitHub Pages, for demo purposes.

✨ Try it in your browser ✨


≠ How does it compare to the Pyodide kernel?

Pyodide kernel:


💡 How to make your own deployment

Deploy your own

Then your site will be published under https://{USERNAME}.github.io/{DEMO_REPO_NAME}

📦 How to install extra packages

You can pre-install extra packages for xeus-python by adding them to the environment.yml file.

For example, if you want to create a JupyterLite deployment with NumPy and Matplotlib pre-installed, you would need to edit the environment.yml file as following:

name: xeus-python-kernel
  - https://repo.mamba.pm/emscripten-forge
  - conda-forge
  - xeus-python
  - numpy
  - matplotlib

Only no-arch packages from conda-forge and packages from emscripten-forge can be installed.