juren53 / HST-Metadata

HST metadata project
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Truman Library Audio Visual Metadata Project

The purpose of this project is to adapt and develop tools that can embed metadata in media files at the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library i.e. photos, audio, and video files.

The project consists of three phases. The initial focus is the photo collection to be followed by audio files and finally video files at the Library.

This work is under the direction of Laurie Austin, Audiovisual Archives, Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.

Phase 1 - Photo Metadata and Uploads to NARA Catalog

Project Overview:

The goal of this project is to find an automated way to use pre-existing metadata from the Truman Library photo database, embed certain metadata into fields of the high-resolution TIFFs, downsize the images to 800x800 pixel JPGs (retaining the metadata), and then upload the JPGs to the NARA catalog for public use.

Process steps:

  1. Export HST PDB metadata to a CSV file.
  2. Scale TIFF images to 800 x 800 pixel JPGs, retaining the aspect ratio
  3. Add copyright watermark to JPEGs as required
  4. Gather relevant TIFF files and embed them with CSV metadata
  5. Upload the JPGs to NARA Catalog.

More detail in LAA's Project Overview at: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aHGan-E0419TIMq5b5rE3CMicFPkbD7ik_PmYKqgG6I/edit

Phase 2 - Audio Metadata and Uploads to the NARA Catalog

This portion of the Project will embed metadata from the Truman Library archives into approximately 2,000 audio files (WAV and MP3).

Process steps:

  1. Export HST Audio DB metadata to a CSV file.
  2. Create HST thumbnail with accession number
  3. Embed thumbnail and metadate in MP3 file
  4. Upload the MP3s to the NARA Catalog

Detail in LAA's spreadsheet at:

Phase 3 - Video Metadata and Uploads to the NARA Catalog

This portion of the Project will embed metadata from the Truman Library archives into video files currently in the HSTL archives