jurgenfd / wattos

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This directory is the root directory of the Wattos package. Wattos homepage can be found at http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu/wattos.

Content files Description ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------- .classpath Classpath specifics for Eclipse .cvsignore File with info for Eclipse CVS .project File for Eclipse to regenerate (not included). Eclipse doesn't like this one present if I want to make a web module. buildEclipse.xml Ant makefile. README.txt This file. ReadmeEclipse.txt Specifics about working with Eclipse. wattos.properties Settings for Ant.

Content directories Description (not all present) ------------------------+------------------------------------------------------- .settings Eclipse settings build Java classes and resources (not in CVS) data Default settings and test data. doc Javadoc by Eclipse (not in CVS) lib Java jar files used by Wattos and the Wattos.jar itself. macros Wattos commands demonstrating functionality using test data. scripts Scripts for settings and demonstration of functionality. src Java source files and resources test JUnit test Java source files. tmp_dir Temporary files directory. wattos_home Homepage files accessible at http://www.bmrb.wisc.edu/wattos. NRG NMR Restraint Grid servlet related files. For eclipse this needs to be in this location otherwise it will not be picked up. Also note that Eclipse setting: web project settings/Context Root -> WebModule