Important: Version 2.0.0 and up is not compatible with previous 1.x branch
Sample applications for Touch and Ext JS can be found here:
Official Sencha example (using Ext JS 6.5) can be found here:
Ext JS:
* Application structure with API provider
* Grid CRUD Master-detail
* Cookie / Session
* Direct method call, shows regular call and onw that has hard exception (syntax error)
* Form Load / Submit
* Form file upload (Cross domain upload is not supported!)
* Tree root / child dynamic load
* Metadata (Starting from Ext JS 5)
* Namespaces (From 4.2)
Sencha Touch:
* Application structure with API provider
* List read using directFn
* Form load / submit
For usage please refer to Examples.
Configuration description:
"ES6": false, // Support method discovery without `function` keyword.
"rootNamespace": "Server", // Namespace in which server will be accessible from client side
"apiName": "API", // API name
"apiUrl": "/directapi", // URL to retrieve API configuration
"classRouteUrl": "/direct", // URL to call Direct methods
"classPath": "/direct", // Direct class location in filesystem relative to the server directory
"server": "localhost", // Hosting server name
"port": "3000", // Hosting server port
"protocol": "http", // http | https
"timeout": 30000, // Operation timeout
"cacheAPI": false, // Set true to cache API's for production. During development setting to false will allow to make any changes and access API's without server reload.
"relativeUrl": false, // Use relative URL's
"appendRequestResponseObjects": true, // If true, will append req and res objects to method call
"enableMetadata": true, // Metadata support
"responseHelper": true, // Automatically append success true|false
"enableProcessors": true //Enable Helpers to have methods before and after API discovery as well as before and after Transaction batch
2.0.5 (10 jul 2017)
2.0.4 (14 may 2017)
2.0.3 (14 may 2017)
Fix #362.0.2 (23 feb 2017)
2.0.1 (3 jun 2015)
2.0.0 (14 may 2015)