juselius / FsBiml

F# combinator library for BIML
MIT License
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F# combinator library for BIML

FsBiml is a simple combinator library for generating BIML XML output. The library is heavily inspired by the WebSharper HTML combinators and Haskell Blaze library.

The library allows users to generate BIML output in a clean, compact and typesafe manner.


To compile the library from the command line use MBBuild.exe (Windows) or xbuild (Linux/Mono)

$ cd /path/to/FsBiml
$ .paket/paket.bootstrapper.exe
$ .paket/paket.exe install
$ xbuild /p:Configuration=Release

Note: Under Windows the F# compiler (fsc.exe 14.0.23413.0) receives a stack overflow exception when compiling in Debug mode.


Copy and paste into F# Interactive (fsi.exe or fsharpi):

#r "FsBiml.Library/bin/Release/FsBiml.Library.dll"

open FsBiml
open FsBiml.Element

let biml =
    BIML [
        Packages [
            PackageAttr [Attr.Name "MyFirstFsBimlPakcage"] []

printfn "%s" <| string biml